image0041A regular denture is a removable prosthesis used when a person is missing all their teeth either upper or lower following extractions. It is best to let your mouth heal at least two months following multiple extractions as this will ensure your new denture fits better. Dentures are used to restore your smile, maintain the shape of your jaw/face, and allow you to eat normally and maintain good nutrition. Care is taken to make the teeth on the denture the right size, shape and color that is best for each person. Some people want bright white teeth or teeth that are significantly different in shape of size to their natural teeth. While this is always your choice, Dr. Roberts will make suggestions and work with you to ensure you get the most natural smile, one that matches your age and facial structure. The process starts with impressions, then try-ins and finally, delivery. Adjustments to improve fit are expected and while they may take some getting used to, you should be able to eat most of your favorite foods soon.

An immediate denture is a great option for someone who does not want to be seen without their teeth. In this case, the impression for the denture is made before extracting the teeth. The teeth are removed from the model and the denture is made using instructions from you and Dr. Roberts as to how they look. Remember, with this option, there is no try-in so you and Dr. Roberts will discuss size and shape of the teeth at the time the impression is made. There will be a three week follow up to place a soft liner material in the denture to improve fit as your gums continue to heal and a more permanent liner placed around four to five months post extractions. Once the denture is made, Dr. Roberts will extract the remaining teeth and place the immediate denture in immediately afterwards. The denture acts as a bandage to protect the tissues and you will return to the office 24 hours later to have it removed so Dr. Roberts can evaluate fit and make any adjustments that may be needed. There will be some discomfort for a few days following the procedure but soon you will be smiling and eating and no one ever has to know you’ve had the procedure done.