Magnolia City Dental
Phone: (580) 924-3330
Fax: (580) 924-3339 1706 N Washington Ave Durant OK 74701
Durant, OK 74701
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

New Year-New Dental Insurance

Our New Year has started off with a bang, and we hope yours is going just as well! Sometimes a new year means new dental insurance, which can be very confusing. Will Magnolia City Dental accept your new ins? Will your services be covered like they were? Are we providers for your insurance?

One thing that some people don’t know is that Most (but not all) dental insurances cover preventitive care at 100%. Preventative services include regular cleanings, X-rays and exams.

We at Magnolia City Dental will file on any dental insurance, this means that no matter who your insurance company is we will send your services in to them. When we are treatment planning the work to be done you will be given an estimation on what your insurance will cover on each service.

Magnolia City Dental is a provider for three insurances. These insurances include Cigna, Delta Dental, and Health Choice. If you have any of these insurances it means that you will get a provider adjusted fee.

All insurance companies cover different precentages of services. When we get your insurance information put into the computer we will be able to tell you at what percent they cover each service. We like to have your insurance information when you call to make your first appointment so that we can provide the appropriate care, and so that you will know an estimation of what they will cover.

If you have any questions regarding insurance feel free to give us a call at (580)924-3330 , and we will get you headed in the right direction!