Fun Fact: “Wisdom teeth” or third molars got their nickname because they normally come in around ages 17 and 25, which has been called the age of wisdom due to the fact that it is the normal age people are going off to college to become “wiser”!
What’s the scoop on wisdom teeth?:
Third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth do not always cause problems, but they are usually cramped in the mouth. Wisdom teeth may not need to be extracted if they grow in and are functional, painless, cavity-free, and gum disease-free. Your wisdom teeth along with the rest of your teeth require professional cleaning, annual check-ups and X-rays to monitor for any changes. An estimated 75-80 % of individuals have to have their wisdom teeth removed due to pain, tooth decay, or gum disease. Some studies show that people who keep their wisdom teeth often have more issues with their oral health later in life, for this reason many dentists recommend having wisdom teeth removed before it’s needed to prevent future problems. If these teeth are impacted they can damage neighboring teeth or become infected. This area proves to be very hard to keep clean, so it can also invite in bacteria that leads to gum disease. Oral bacteria can also travel through your bloodstream and lead to infections and illnesses that affect your heart, kidneys and other organs. In some cases, an infection can form around the base of the impacted tooth, which can lead to more serious problems as it hollows out the jaw and damages surrounding nerves, teeth and other parts of your mouth and face.
The conclusion? :
Dr.Roberts would love to provide more information for you regarding your wisdom teeth, how to care for them, or information on having them removed. You can call us at (580)924-3330 to set up an appointment to speak to Dr.Roberts.